We've got Halloween, Thanksgiving, Dan's birthday and many more birthday parties ahead to view.
This year Tanner was Handy Manny and Kaitlyn was Tinkerbell. I was just grateful to watch them go trick or treating and have so much fun this year. My how Tanner loves the candy. Every day he still asks for candy. I am so glad that it is over but it is so much fun.

Kaitlyn and Tanner make an attempt to sleep in the same bed at the hotel. Yea right, that didn't work at all.

It was cute, they had story time at 8pm and their mascots came out while the lady read a book. That was cool.

Oh and because we had nothing to do with the kids there, I had to fork over some cold hard cash to entertain the Tanner to get him a stuffed wolf. Dan had taken Kaitlyn on some water slides as Tanner wanted nothing to do with the big kid area. 
Kaitlyn and Tanner are really into riding bikes now. They love showing off for the camera and think they are so big. We have a busy street so we let them ride in our garage. It is safe and they like it. It makes for good practice so they will be ready for the big road one day. Kaitlyn's big Santa request this year is a Big Girl Barbie Bicycle with a Barbie helmet. Can't wait to see what shows up:)
We went to Gavin's birthday party. It was a dress up Halloween Birthday party at Dusti's house. It was great because the weather was nice and we actually got to get all the kids in the picture.

It was cute, there was a face painter there but Tanner prefers his arm. He is all into Superman or Batman. He loves dressing up.
Happy Birthday to Dan!! He turned the big 34!!

Another day of dress up for Kaitlyn. She is always wearing our clothes, shoes, hats and anything she can get her hands on. This day she was all Dan.
A Batman Birthday party for Jack Wood. This is her other boyfriend. They have been going to school since they were 1 so they just love hanging out. She had to sit next to him at the party. It was a superhero party so Kaitlyn was Superman of course.
It's a day of shopping at Nordstrom's. My girl doesn't take after her mommy at all:)
This was her other boyfriend, Andrew's old costume he gave to Tanner. Kaitlyn had to wear it. She looked so cute in it with those chaps and her booty.
Kaitlyn was wearing Tanner's backup Halloween costume which was Elmo. He wanted to be Elmo first but it is like 80 degrees outside and there is no way he was going to make it past 2 houses without burning up. I kept it so they could dress up. And what do you know, they like playing in it.
Tanner and I were cooking something up in the kitchen. He loves being my helper and getting all the good stuff before it goes in the oven. Smart boy!
Thanksgiving trip to the farm. We went to visit my grandparents for Thanksgiving and had a great time. They are not in very good order either.

Dan spent the day taking the kids on the 4 wheeler and they just loved it.
When they weren't riding the 4 wheeler they rode bicycles. They really enjoyed all the space to get out and go fast.
Dan has a special moment where both Tanner and Kaitlyn sat still long enough to get some cuddle time.