So here are a plethera of random pics over the last several months of this year. I was just looking through and found some that I didn't have time to put on. Better late than never!
We visited my aunt Susan before she had the baby and Kaitlyn and Tanner got to spend some fun time with Jacquelyn.

We had an afternoon at the mall and the kids love riding the carousel.

Here are a few pictures of the storm and damage that it did to our house for those that didn't see it. Fun stuff. Hopefully that season has passed us now as it is cranking up to a 100 degrees lately here.

Part of our fence flew through our window in the study and oh the mess it created.

Here are our other 2 baby boys. Chance and little guy Rocco. Rocco is a big 7 months old now and pure puppy. He loves eating the kids toys, chewing the hands and feet off of Kaitlyn's barbies, eating my carpet-2 times now, eating my plants outside, chewing on Chances ears all the time and whatever else he can get in his mouth. Other than that, he is just the sweetest thing and so much fun to have. Chance loves him but probably wishes he had a place to escape every once in a while.

Thought I would post this one since Kaitlyn looks like she is posing for the camera. What a rarity it is as she normal makes a funny face and runs when I get the camera out. Love that phase!

Oops he did it again. Tanner tries so hard to get his outfits all put together but something always seems just a little out of place. That's my boy.....

We went to the Dallas Zoo for the first time and had so much fun. It was a beautiful day but wow there were 5 million kids there. Tanner just looked in amazement as I don't think he has ever seen that many kids in one place especially in a single file line. They were admiring the goldfish tank.

That's it for now! Hopefully it won't take me 3 more months to post again. I do love it, it is just that time factor. Tanner did turn the BIG 2 years old this month so I will post pics from that soon. They are on my mom's camera. Ciao for now.