We celebrated the 4th of July going on our first official family vacation to the Hyatt Hill Country in San Antonio.

We had a blast and the kids just loved staying in a hotel and having our undivided attention!!!

We met up with some friends of ours- The Parkers. Brian works at the same company as Dan and Grayce and I met at Shareholder retreat in Scottsdale this year. They are super fun and oh did I mention they have 4 kids 4 years old and under. They have Bryce-4, Blake-2, Ellie and Brooks(twins- 10 mos. old). Our kids just had so much fun all week playing with their kids and we had a blast hanging out with them! We went to dinner most nights and boy was it a scene with all of our kids together. Super fun and quite entertaining.

They were so cute. I took the 4 of them walking and told them to hold hands and for the rest of the trip they all wanted to hold each other's hand anywhere we went. So adorable.

This is the Parker Fam. I have to say the twins were the best babies ever. I was in amazement how good they were the whole trip. Always happy and always just chillin.

We went on a sunset horse drawn wagon ride on the golf course. It was beautiful and a great experience for the kids.

Me and my sidekick posing for a little girlie pic.

Here are my boys! Hanging by the pool taking a little break from the sun.

It's snack time! I think my kids swam more in day than they normally swim in a few weeks. It was great for them to be able to be outside all day and the weather was just perfect and not too hot.

A little family pic as we went out to dinner at the restaurant. Not so much a common thing for us as our kids don't get the sitting at the table thing for very long. They had a little kid buffet and Kaitlyn and Tanner went to it about 100 times as Kaitlyn wanted to use the tongs to put stuff on her plate. Poor restaurant oh and they had a plate full of cookies out too. What were they thinking. I think our kids thought that was a highlight of the trip. The mini kid buffet that started with a plate of cookies.

Tanner, he is just getting so big so fast. How does that keep happening:)

They had movies on the lawn and the kids thought that was so cool. I am not sure they watched the movie but they sure watched all the people watching the movie. All in all it was the perfect family vacation and our kids were rockstars. They were so good and I have to say I can't wait to do it again. That's a wrap!!!