Oh let's start here shall we:

Here is the Tanner Nanner riding a cow at the Dallas Children's Museum. It was so fun and more pics are below.

We had a nice visit from Pops and Grandma and they brought a very special Home Depot project for the kids to work on from Aunt Rae Ann. They loved it.

This was Kaitlyn and Tanner's first day back to school. They had such a great first day. They were so excited and I was so excited that day was all smiles. Last year Tanner cried all day everyday so we pulled him out. This year is off to a great start and I am so proud of them both for being so big.

This is a play date with our friends Macy and Camden. Kaitlyn met Macy in ballet and they all have so much fun playing together.

Kaitlyn got a hold of my camera and started taking pictures of Keira and I. She is Macy's mom. As you can see she did get our faces in the picture but she was pretty good at taking pictures of our feet and legs too. Not bad for her first big try.

The kids had so much fun at the Dallas Children's Museum. It is such a great place for the kids to learn and they have so many fun hands on activities for them to explore.

Kaitlyn and Tanner are having fun making music.

They really enjoyed being firefighters and driving pretend the fire truck.

I have to say this was the classic pic of the day. Here is Tanner learning how to milk a cow and it really does pour out water when you squeeze it. I thought that was very interesting. Earlier in the pictures you saw he much preferred to ride the cow rather than milk it:)

We finally took Tanner into get his big 2 year old pictures taken. We decided why not get a family picture while we are at it. Not a pleasant experience getting our pictures taken but we made it through with a sigh of relief.

Oh how I look at Tanner and wonder where my baby went. He has changed so much over the summer and has grown like a weed. He has also just grown up so much emotionally. He is so much more independent, confident, social. He is really starting to talk more now and saying half of his words in Spanish and half in English. Throws me for a loop but I am really excited that he has picked it up. A few more months and he will be chatting so much. He is officially potty trained now which was perfect timing for school. I just am so proud of him as he was the one who always wanted to do it and worked so hard to learn how and be like his daddy and big sister. So I look at him and think wow what a difference a year makes and how sad and happy I am that my baby has grown into such a sweet, fun, loving a boy.

Kaitlyn just has grown like a weed this summer too. It is amazing how much she has grown up this summer on the outside and in. She is so much better and sharing and has become so sweet with everyone and thoughtful. She really is so much fun to hang out with and my little sidekick.

A girls trip to Chicago....I went to visit Pam in Chicago and Dusti and Leslie went as well so we could have our first girls weekend without kids I think ever. It was so much fun and we had such a great time. My what we can get caught up on with a few days hanging out with no children or distractions. It was so nice to have that special time with them and it felt like just yesterday we were all playing in college. Leslie is expecting a girl in January and she was a trooper with all of our walking in the city and very late nights up talking and goofing off. I love Chicago and I loved my girls trip. Definitely need to do that again hopefully soon:)

This is my out of order picture with Tanner and I at the dinasour exhibit where he and Kaitlyn could find bones in the sand and they had this huge dinasour that was very scary looking. Very cool though. I think I had just as much fun as they did. It sure would be fun to be a kid again.