Here are my kids doing what they do best. DRESS UP!! When Dan gets home from work they have to follow him into the closet and put on his work clothes, stinky socks and shoes and whatever else they can come up with. They are little hams for sure.

A rare occasion that Tanner and Kaitlyn are taking a shower together and without one of us being in there to help. They aren't even fighting. Thought I would share this special moment and that cute little booty:)

Ahhhh the Plano Balloon Festival. One of my favorite events to go to of the year! I love going and this year was especially great because the weather was fabulous! There was no wind and I can't recall being able to take a picture with this many balloons in one picture. It was pretty awesome.

We did an impressions plate at a party with the kids handprints and Kaitlyn took a picture. It was good so I thought I would share. I love looking at handprints of children. It is just so cute.

Tanner is working on his little bench making something and trying to be like Daddy.

I said Tanner can I take a picture of your cute booty in those jeans and he turned around and posed. It was very funny. Funny in the sense it is the only time the boy poses for pictures. I try to get a cute smile, pose etc and nada!!

Mandy Bradley-college roomate came to visit us when she was in town evacuating from Hurricane Ike. We had connected on Facebook a week prior. How cool is that. We hadn't seen each other in gosh like 10 years or something like that. Crazy. She has a beautiful daughter and son that are almost the same age as Tanner and Kaitlyn. Poor Mandy's little girl had to have hip surgery the next day in Dallas as she had an infection. She is doing much better. Poor baby girl.
I loved the visit and wow how time flies when you are getting older.

Ok so I still suck at posting these dang pictures in the right order. Long story short, we had a great time at Balloon festival. Kids just LOVED all the balloons, junk food, sno cones etc. Tanner actually liked the sno cone so much he dumped it all over his clothes. We had to strip him down to his underwear and then Kaitlyn wanted to take her clothes off. Now you can imagine in Plano, TX at a public place walking with kids with only their underwear on. Well I got more than plenty looks indicating that we might be white trash. One old man even said something. Embarrassing to say the least. Kind of funny though to see people's faces.

Tanner pre sno cone crash. Random girl he was sitting next to but I thought it was cute.

Check out all those cool balloons. A must do event if you are in town for this.

The Grant girls trying to be cool with our shades.
That's it for now, signing off for a few weeks at least. Catch up again soon:)